Here are ways of letting people know what your condition is. Those sentences were written with the help of my Russian teacher* so I'm pretty certain they're right:
I have an allergy/intolerance to gluten, I cannot eat wheat/wheat flour
У меня аллергия на клейковину, мне нельзя есть пшеницу/ пшеничную муку.
U menya allergia na kleykavinu, mne nelzya yest pshenitsu/ pshenichnuyu muku.
There's gluten in wheat, rye and barley.
Клейковина в пшенице, ячмене и ржи.
Kleykavina v pshenitse, yachmenye i rzhi.
I cannot eat anything that has been cooked in the same fryer as wheat-based items.
Мне нельзя есть то, что было приготовлено в той же посуде, в которой были приготовлены блюда с пшеницей.
Mne nelzya yest to shto bila prigatovlena v toy zhe pacude v katoray billi prigatovleni blyuda s pshenistey.
I cannot eat anything that's been breaded.
Я не могу есть ничего, что было в панировке.
YA ne magu yest' nichevo, shto bila v panirovke
If you are too lazy to learn these sentences or just don't want to, you could also print out these gluten-free restaurant cards and show them to the waiter/cook/host:
*She's a really good teacher and I would recommend her to anyone who needs private Russian lessons.
Her name is Alya and her phone number is +7 (926) 586-23-18
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